Please keep silent at all times. 請始終保持安靜。
Do not bring food and beverages into the reading room.
請勿將食物和飲料帶入閱覽室。beverage [ˋbɛvərɪdʒ] n. 酒水,飲料
Where can I find a newspaper? 在哪裡能找到報紙?。
Would it be possible to make a copy of this article?
可以影印這篇文章嗎?make a copy of sth 影印某物
Is this chair / desk / PC free? 這把椅子/ 這張桌子/ 這臺電腦有人在用嗎?
Could I borrow that book / newspaper / magazine / journal when you have finished reading it, please?
請問你讀完那本書/ 那份報紙/那本雜誌/ 那本期刊以後,可以借給我嗎?
Please observe the reading room rules and procedures. 請遵守閱覽室規則和流程。 observe [əbˋzɝv] v. 遵守;觀察
procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ] n. 步驟
Where do we keep the legal journals, please? 請問法律期刊放在哪裡?
You’re entitled to check out ten books at a time.
你有權一次借閱十本書。entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] v. 使有權利
be entitled to V 有權做……
check out a book 借一本書
at a time 一次
The book is overdue. You’ll have to renew it.
這本書已過歸還期限了。你得續借。overdue [ˋovɚˋdju] a.( 到期)未還的;過期的
renew [rɪˋnju] v. 續借(書)
No matter what your uncle asks, just keep silent.
During the pandemic, it's important to wear face masks at all times in public places.
The secretary forgot to make a copy of the document.
You’re not entitled to check out any books from the library unless you’re a student of our school.