忙碌的工作環境中,我們時常忽略了工作以外的另一個重要元素 – 就是團隊的凝聚力,員工聚會,不僅是工作之外的歡樂時光,更是能促進同事之間的交流,緩解工作壓力,並增進團隊的凝聚力。畢竟在忙碌的工作中,雖然共事一場,但有時難以深入了解同事的生活,而聚會就提供了一個互相分享生活趣事的時機,是擴展人脈的好機會!
It’s going to be an outdoor party with a buffet.
Who’s going to be at the party? 誰會去參加派對?
The party invitation says“Business Casual.”
派對邀請函上寫著:「商務休閒裝」。casual [ˋkæʒʊəl] n. 便裝
Is there going to be an open bar? 會有免費酒吧嗎? open bar 免費酒吧
Can I bring anyone to the office party? 我能帶人去參加公司派對嗎?
I’d like to propose a toast. 我想舉杯敬酒。 propose a toast (to sth) 舉杯敬酒
Let’s all raise our glasses to this wonderful team.
讓我們一起舉杯向這個出色的團隊致敬。raise sb’s glass to... 舉杯為……敬酒
I just want to thank you all for your incredible work this year.
我想感謝你們今年出色的工作。incredible [ɪnˋkrɛdəb!] a. 難以置信的
I can finally let my hair down for a while after a long day at work.
在工作了一天之後,我終於可以放鬆一下了。let one’s hair down 放鬆
The party invitation says“Business Casual.”
Is there going to be an open bar?
The best man proposed a toast to the bride and groom.
I can finally let my hair down for a while after a long day at work.
It has long been a tradition for the Chinese to set off firecrackers in celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Jane is a wise woman because she has gone through the ups and downs of life.