Tom meets the manager’s expectations in the role of sales associate.
作為業務助理,湯姆達到了經理的期望。meet sb’s expectations 符合某人的期望
= live up to sb’s expectations
He maintains a positive attitude and an acute sense of detail.
他保持著積極的態度和對細節的敏銳度。acute [əˋkjut] a. 敏銳的
Samuel completes all the requested tasks and the required responsibilities.
He knows how to prioritize tasks in a way that he can better meet project deadlines.
他知道如何劃分任務的優先順序,以便能更容易趕在專案截止日期前完工。prioritize [praɪˋɔrə͵taɪz] v. 劃分優先順序
Han demonstrates adequate communication skills.
阿漢展現了合格的溝通技巧。adequate [ˋædəkwɪt] a. 合格的;足夠的;合乎需要的
I’m going to be honest with you. Your work does leave something to be desired.
我要跟你實話實說。你的工作確實有一些需要改進的地方。be honest with sb 對某人誠實
He lacks patience. Sometimes he abandons initiatives midway when results do not show.
他缺乏耐心。有時看到沒有成效,他就會中途放棄新方案。lack [læk] v. 缺乏
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 新方案
midway [ˋmɪdˋwe] adv. 在(時間的)中途
Jim needs to improve his observation skills and pay more attention to the finer details of the task.
吉姆需要提高自己的觀察能力,多加注意任務中更小的細節。observation [͵ɑbzɝˋveʃən] n. 觀察
Jack always finishes his work in a timely fashion.
傑克總是及時完成他的工作。in a... fashion / manner 以……的方式
She is detail-oriented and a perfect fit for the job. 她注重細節,非常適合這份工作。 -oriented [ˋɑrɪɛntɪd] suffix 以……為目標/ 導向的
detail-oriented 注重細節的
Jason felt that he never lived up to his father's expectations.
Most children feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of their parents.
Ben bought Molly a box of chocolates to make up for being late.