造成上班遲到的原因百百種,每個人的情況都可能不同。有時候可能是因為睡眠不足,有時可能是因為交通堵塞,有時可能是因為家庭緊急情況,還有可能是因為個人時間管理不當或者其他突發事件…. 重要的是要盡量避免頻繁遲到,跟公司清楚報備,尊重工作時間和公司的規定,同時也要盡量提前預防或解決可能導致遲到的問題。
My car broke down. 我的車壞了。
break down 發生故障
The babysitter was late, and I had to wait for her.
I was stuck in traffic for two hours. 我塞車塞了兩個小時。
be stuck in traffic 困在車陣中
An incident caused a massive pile-up on East Third Street.
東三街的一起事故造成了連環車禍。massive [ˈmæsɪv] a. 巨大的
pile-up [paɪl ʌp] n. 連環車禍
I had to wait out the storm before I left home for the subway station.
在我出門前往地鐵站之前,我得先等暴風雨結束。wait out sth 等待某事(令人不快的事情)結束
I was up late last night finishing the report Mr. Carter wanted.
I’m feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Can I leave early to see a doctor?
我突然感到頭暈。我可以提早下班去看醫生嗎?dizzy [ˈdɪzi] a. 頭暈目眩的
all of a sudden 突然地
I want to leave early so I can prepare for this industry event.
The police pulled me over for no reason. 警察無緣無故要我靠邊停車。
pull sb/sth over (員警)命令某人靠邊停車
pull over 靠邊停車
The taxi I took had a flat tire, and I couldn’t get another one on the freeway.
我坐的計程車爆胎了,在高速公路上又攔不到別的車。have a flat tire 爆胎
I need to knock off work early today to pick up my kid. Can you cover for me?
我今天要早點下班去接小孩。你可以暫代我的職務嗎?cover for sb 暫代職務(= sit in for sb / stand in for sb)
The car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
Sally has worked hard to break down the wall of fear and try something new.
Just pull over here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way.
I have a flat tire, and I need to get the car repaired.
We had a flat tire on our way to work this morning.
If I get this report finished, I'll knock off early.
Why don't we call it quits here and knock off for lunch?
Rita covered for me while I went to the dentist.
After Cindy's father had a heart attack, he quit smoking.