Hey! Don't cut in. You should line up like everyone else. (嘿!別插隊。你應該跟大家一樣排隊。) |
Excuse me, but you just cut in front of me. The back of the line is over there.
Excuse me, but it's not fair to cut in while others have been waiting for so long.
小提醒 :
用 “cut in” 表達插隊時,語氣可以視情況輕重調整,但禮貌仍是關鍵!
小補充 :
“cut in on” 可以用於打斷對話:
Susan cut in on our conversation before I could finish my point.
You should cut down on your sugar intake, or you'll get diabetes sooner or later. (你應減少你的糖分攝取量,否則你遲早會得糖尿病。) |
To lose weight, I've started cutting down on junk food and soda.
貼心小筆記 :
不只是糖,像 “cut down on salt(減少鹽分)” 或 “cut down on smoking(減少抽菸)”都可以使用。
小補充 :
“cut back on” 與 “cut down on” 類似,但更側重於減少某種行為或花費。We're trying to cut back on unnecessary expenses this month.
I majored in computer science while in college, so I believe I'm cut out for the job / I’m competent for the job / I’m equal to the job. (我唸大學時主修電腦科學,因此我相信我能勝任這份工作。) |
After volunteering at the animal shelter, I realized I'm really cut out for taking care of pets.
After organizing the school event, I realized I'm not cut out for project management.
小提醒 :
這個片語也可用於否定句,像是 I'm not cut out for teaching.(我不適合當老師)。
小補充 :
除了 “be cut out for” 之外,還有以下相關表達:“be competent for” 強調具備某方面的知識或技能,有能力勝任。
With five years of experience in marketing, I'm confident that I'm competent for this position.
(因為我有五年的行銷經驗,我相信自己能勝任這個職位。)。“be equal to” 則強調應對挑戰或責任的整體能力,語氣更正式且多用於特定場合。
Despite his young age, Ned proved himself equal to the task.
(儘管年輕,奈德證明了自己能勝任這項任務。)“be made for” 也可以表達某人或某物很適合某事。
Gal Gadot is made for this role—it suits her perfectly.
We're running out of time, so let's cut to the chase / get to the point. (我們快沒時間了,因此咱們就切入主題吧。) |
We've been discussing this for hours; let's cut to the chase and decide on a solution.
小典故:在默片時期,觀眾常常期待電影中最激動人心的追逐場面(chase scenes),例如警察追捕罪犯或汽車追逐。然而,電影通常會先有一些鋪墊情節,可能是浪漫或對話場景,然後才進入追逐。電影製作人和編劇經常被導演或製片人提醒要「cut to the chase」,意即省略冗長的鋪墊,直接進入觀眾期待的精彩部分,以免他們失去興趣。 小補充 :
“get to the point” 與 “get straight to the point” 是另一種類似用法,語氣稍微正式些,一樣表達快速進入重點的意思。I'll get straight to the point: we need to improve our sales strategy.
It's smelly in this room. Did somebody just cut the cheese / break wind / fart? (房間有股異味。是剛剛有人放屁嗎?) |
Who cut the cheese? I can't concentrate on the movie with that smell!
During the quiet moment, someone cut the cheese, and we all burst out laughing.
小補充 :
“break wind”是相對較正式的委婉用法,較常見於正式場合或醫療情境。
Excuse me, I need to step out for a moment as I'm afraid I might break wind.
(不好意思,我需要暫時離開一下,我怕我會放屁。) 。The doctor asked if the patient had been breaking wind more frequently than usual.
(醫生詢問病人最近放屁的頻率是否比平常還高。)“fart”語氣更直接,但有時可能顯得稍微生硬或不那麼禮貌,尤其是在正式場合或對不熟悉的人時。“Did someone fart? ”這句雖然沒有錯,但在語氣上會顯得直白且不帶修飾,容易讓場面有些尷尬。
小提醒 :
“cut the cheese”這類的委婉表達,尤其在與熟人互動時,為對話增添趣味。在正式或半正式場合中,則可用更抽象的說法如 “It smells a bit odd here.(這裡的氣味有點怪怪的。)”來婉轉點出狀況。
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All of the students are lining up to receive their awards.
If you don’t listen, you’ll be sorry sooner or later.
Jamie has lost a lot of weight recently.
The doctor advised Leo to cut down on his drinking.
To be healthier, I cut down on sugar in my diet.
I know you’re busy, but try to come.
I majored in accounting in college.
I’m looking for a babysitter to take care of my son.
Sit back and relax. The itinerary has been taken care of.
I think I am cut out for this job.
I doubt if John is competent for that job.
A kilocalorie is equal to 1,000 calories.
Despite his dad’s warning, Paul went fishing alone.
Hanamichi Sakuragi has a body that is made for playing basketball.
Our car was running out of gas.
Has the company decided on the color of the uniform?
Eileen talked for ten minutes before she got to the point.
艾琳講了 10 分鐘才講到重點。
You should concentrate on what the teacher says.
After a short silence, Harry burst out laughing.
Linda burst out laughing after hearing Michael's joke.
Excuse me, does this train go south or north?
Oh! Excuse me. I didn’t know this pen was yours.
Excuse me, I need to get off at this station.
I got up earlier than usual to do my homework.
Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me what happened.