Bruce, Angela, Wesley
“If you could keep only one of your five primary senses—touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste—which would it be?” What a horrible question! Think of it as a “thought experiment.” Given that the verb “see” can replace “know” or “understand” as in “I see what you’re saying,” sight may be the most important of the five primary senses. On the other hand, judging from how many people everywhere listen to music on their smartphones these days, hearing cannot be far behind. In any case, pleasant and unpleasant emotions can be connected to all five senses.
「 假如五種主要感官(觸覺、嗅覺、聽覺、視覺及味覺)中你只能保留一種,那你會作何選擇?」真是個可怕的問題呀!把它想成是一種「思想實驗」(編按:指用想像力對現實中無法做到或未做到的事進行的實驗,是一種思考工具)吧。鑑於「看」這個動詞(編按:此字也有「明白」的意思)可取代「知道」或「了解」,例如「我明白你所說的」,視覺可能是五種感官中最重要的。另一方面,從現今各處有多少人用智慧型手機來聽音樂這一點看來,聽覺的重要性也相去不遠。無論如何,愉快與不愉快的情緒可以和五種感官都有關聯。
Most would agree that the sounds of flowing water or a baby laughing are pleasant to hear. Many would also agree that the sounds of screeching vehicle brakes or a mosquito are not. In a study, researchers arranged for subjects to listen to a wide variety of sounds. From a long list, the participants rated fingernails scratching along a chalkboard as the most unpleasant sound. People who have been schooled in classrooms with chalkboards would likely agree. The sound actually makes many people shiver.
Scientists wanted to know why. They monitored their subjects’ reactions to fingernails scratching a blackboard in terms of stress levels. They found that the scratching sound changed the participants’ skin conductivity considerably. Previous research had revealed a close relationship between skin conductivity and the part of the brain that registers negative emotions. The new study confirmed that this scratching sound did cause a physical stress reaction. Maybe this explains why whiteboards and markers are quickly replacing blackboards and chalk.
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