
天使的眼淚 ── 嘉明湖 Climbing up to Jiaming Lake

#臺灣 #休閒旅遊
9/28 解析英語




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天使的眼淚 ── 嘉明湖 Climbing up to Jiaming Lake
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Bruce, Angela, Wesley

Hikers on the Jiaming Lake Trail in Taiwan’s Central Mountain Range are rewarded with a rare site high in the mountains. As the name suggests, the main feature of this hike is the stunning Jiaming Lake, one of the largest alpine lakes on the island. Though it is primarily referred to as Jiaming or Chiaming Lake, this lake has many other names. In the aboriginal Bunun language, the name of the lake translates as “Mirror of the moon.” Other descriptors include “Angel’s teardrop” or “God’s lost sapphire.”

在臺灣中央山脈的嘉明湖步道,登山者得到的回報是高山上一處罕見的地點。就如同這條登山步道的名字所顯示的一樣,該步道最主要的特色是絕美的嘉明湖 ── 島上最大的高山湖泊之一。儘管這座湖主要被稱為嘉明湖,它還有其他許多名字。在布農族語言中,這座湖的名字譯為「月亮的鏡子」。其他的描述詞還包含了「天使的眼淚」或是「上帝遺落的藍寶石」。

range [ rendʒ ] n. 山脈
aboriginal [ ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl̩ ] a. 原住民的
descriptor [ dɪˈskrɪptɚ ] n. 描述(詞)
sapphire [ ˈsæfaɪr ] n. 藍寶石


The picturesque mountain lake lies just below Sancha Mountain, 3,310 meters above sea level. It was previously thought that the lake was created by a meteor 3,000 years ago, but, in fact, its origins are much, much older. The lake was formed by glacial erosion thousands of years earlier, roughly during the last ice age.


picturesque [ ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk ] a. 風景如畫的
glacial [ ˈgleʃəl ] a. 冰川的
erosion [ ɪˈroʒən ] n. 侵蝕


Jiaming Lake isn’t the only feature you will see on the hike. It is recommended that visitors stretch their hike over three days to better adapt to the high elevation. Three days is also plenty of time to check out the surrounding environment. In addition to birds and little mountain critters, you might spot some deer. You can take a slight detour during the first day to Blackwater Pond, a mountain lake tucked away in the woods. One part of the trek goes by the Siangyang Mountain landslide, which is an 800-meter wall of exposed rock on the southwest face of the mountain. With so much to see, you’ll be happy to take your time on this hike.


elevation [ ˌɛləˈveʃən ] n. 海拔,高度
critter [ ˈkrɪtɚ ] n. 生物(尤指動物,= creature)
detour [ ˈditʊr ] n. 繞道
landslide [ ˈlændˌslaɪd ] n. 滑坡;山崩

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Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
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