影視娛樂 圖片來源:網路
This month, audiences in Taiwan will be able to take pleasure in a fun new film from comedy legend Eddie Murphy. Coming 2 America, a sequel to the 1988 film Coming to America will be released in Taiwan in early January. Expect plenty of laughs from great actors in this cross-cultural adventure.
本月份,臺灣的觀影民眾將得以欣賞喜劇泰斗艾迪‧墨菲所帶來的一部搞笑新作。1988 年《來去美國》的續集《來去美國 2》將於一月初在臺上映。在片中這趟跨文化的冒險歷程裡,觀眾們可以期待搞笑功力十足的演員所帶來的豐富「笑果」。
In the original 1988 film, Eddie Murphy played a very rich African prince named Akeem from the fictional kingdom of Zamunda. With a desire to find a good wife who he could respect, he traveled to the United States. He and his friend Semmi, who was played by Arsenio Hall, posed as ordinary exchange students.
在 1988 年的原作中,艾迪‧墨菲飾演一位來自 Zamunda 這個虛構王國、名叫 Akeem 的富有非洲王子。由於他渴望找尋一位他能敬重的好老婆,於是便來到了美國。他和他的好友 Semmi(亞辛尼歐‧赫爾飾)也假扮成一般的交換學生。
The movie was a classic fish-out-of-water tale that examined the differences between the rich and poor. Despite being a comedy, it also offered insight into the different cultural identities of black people born in Africa and those born and raised in North America.
In the sequel Coming 2 America, Akeem, who is about to become King of Zamunda, discovers that he has a long-lost son living in the US. After this discovery, Akeem decides to leave his homeland once again. He travels with Semmi back to New York City, where they will find the missing prince, along with a few old friends.
在續集《來去美國 2》中,Akeem 即將登基成為 Zamunda 的國王,卻發現他有一個失散許久的兒子居住在美國。在知悉這點後,Akeem 決定再度離開祖國。他和 Semmi 一起重返紐約市,在此他們將找出這位失落的王子,並遇上一些舊識。
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