Stephen, Minnie
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For thousands of years, humans have been on a quest to find the perfect smell. 數千年來,人類一直在追尋完美的香味。
Putting on some perfume is like putting on your favorite outfit. If you look good and smell good, chances are you’ll feel good. However, perfume isn’t a modern invention. Its story actually goes back thousands of years.
If you look at the pictures on ancient Egyptian tombs, two things are clear. One, ancient Egyptians had a thing for cats, and two, they liked to smell their best. Perfume production began as far back as 3,000 years ago in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Some of the ingredients used back then, such as jasmine, frankincense, and Madonna lilies, are still in use now. Originally, however, those scents were mostly made to make rooms where animals were slaughtered for the gods smell better, or to be put in Pharaohs’ tombs.
The Greeks later invented perfumes that were applied to the skin by blending plants and herbs with oils. During the time of Alexander the Great, perfume was as valuable as gold. Louis XIV of France, who disliked bathing, was said to demand a new fragrance to be made for each day of the week. In the 19th century, the first scents to use synthetic blends were manufactured. Modern fragrance masters like Creed and Chanel continue with this practice to this day.
◇ perfume [ ˈpɝfjum ] n. 香水
◇ jasmine [ ˈdʒæsmɪn ] n. 茉莉花
◇ frankincense [ ˈfræŋkɪnˌsɛns ] n. 乳香
◇ a Madonna lily [ məˈdɑnəˈlɪlɪ ] 白百合花
◇ herb [ ɝb ] n. 藥草,香草
◇ fragrance [ ˈfregrəns ] n. 香水;芳香
◇ synthetic [ sɪnˈθɛtɪk ] a. 人造的,合成的
英國的知名設計雜誌《Wallpaper》就曾與德國出版集團格哈德‧史泰德(Gerhard Steidl)聯手打造了一款名為「書本之愛」的香水,當時的包裝還邀請到如今已仙逝的時尚界老佛爺卡爾‧拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)來設計,將瓶身完全嵌套在書本之中。若把此款香水噴在身上,整個人就能散發出新書的油墨香,頓時化身文藝青年!
其他獵奇搞怪的香水還有一款義大利的「血型香水」,根據了 A、B、AB 及 O 型等四種不同血型,分別有四種不同氣味。香水的瓶身也做成了藥瓶的設計,沒有噴頭而是採用滴管,宛若吸血鬼的專屬補給品!
《生活英語》以前也介紹過瑞典連鎖超市 Coop,他們推出了一款「臭酸牛奶香水」,聞起來正如其名,但可不是用來噴在人們身上,而是作為判斷食物或牛奶是否尚可食用,或是否已經腐敗的指標依據,其背後意義可說是十分環保!
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