
✶ 哀悼名人心理分析 Why People Mourn the Death of Celebrities

People Mourn the Death of Celebrities
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✶ 哀悼名人心理分析 Why People Mourn the Death of Celebrities
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讓我們深入了解因名人過世而哀傷的心理學。 Dig into the psychology of grief surrounding celebrity deaths.

哀悼名人心理分析 Why People Mourn the Death of Celebrities
(Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash)

It is common to see an outpouring of grief all over the world following the passing of a major celebrity. However, one might wonder _(1)_ people are so deeply saddened by the loss of someone they have never met.


grief [ grif ] n.(尤指某人之死引起的)悲痛,悲傷,悲哀
outpouring [ ˈaʊtˌpɔrɪŋ ] n.(強烈感情的)迸發,流露

哀悼名人心理分析 Why People Mourn the Death of Celebrities

Generally, grief emerges when someone you’re familiar with passes away, _(2)_, a family member or a partner. However, when it comes to celebrities, people still feel connected with them through their work. This bond between the public and celebrities is called aparasocial relationship.” It involves strong emotions and interests from one party toward the other, which are generally not returned from the celebrity. The songs of celebrities, _(3)_ some people depend for support, can have deep significance in a fan’s life. In some cases, fans may project their feelings onto fictional characters played by celebrities in entertainment. Naturally, the _(4)_ of the real person may create an empty feeling among those who felt emotionally attached to the character the celebrity portrayed.


a parasocial [ ˌpærəˈsoʃəl ] relationship  擬社會人際互動
party [ ˈpɑrtɪ ] n. 一方
project... onto sb  將(情感)投射到某人身上
portray [ pɔrˈtre ] vt. 飾演,扮演

Mourning collectively connects people to a larger community. It brings people closer and reminds them what they have in common. While it’s normal to feel sad about celebrity deaths, it’s vital to _(5)_ negative feelings. After all, we should appreciate the positive memories or experiences a celebrity has given us.


mourn [ mɔrn ] vt. 哀悼,悼念
collectively [ kəˈlɛktɪvlɪ ] adv. 集體地,共同地
  1. (A) what    (B) why    (C) while    (D) whether
  2. (A) by contrast    (B) as a result    (C) for example    (D) on the whole
  3. (A) to what    (B) in that    (C) on which    (D) by whom
  4. (A) absence    (B) tension    (C) isolation    (D) response
  5. (A) put out    (B) call off    (C) give away    (D) get over



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Ans: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)

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