Unit 29 look into the mirror 或 look at the mirror?
我們知道英文的「看」有不少用字,像是 see, look, watch... 等等,
「照鏡子」, 大家覺得正確的英文說法是什麼呢?
表「照鏡子」應使用 look “into” the mirror,乃因「往鏡內透視可看到自己的影像」。 Look at the mirror 則「把鏡子當作一個不能透視的物體,兩眼盯著這個物體看」而非照鏡子。 |
例 Ted looked at the mirror and saw his father standing behind him. (X)
→ Ted looked into the mirror and saw his dad standing behind him. (O)
例 Nick looked at / looked over the mirror carefully to make sure it was not broken. (O)
Look at(看)
"Look at" 表示「將視線集中在某物上,觀察或察看」。例:She looked at the beautiful sunset.(她看著美麗的日落。)
Look to(指望,期待):
"Look to" 表示「期待或指望從某人或某物那裡獲得幫助、支持或解答」。例:I look to my mentor for guidance in my career.
Look for(尋找):
"Look for" 意味著「努力尋找或找到某物」。例:I'm looking for my car keys.(我在尋找我的汽車鑰匙。)
Look after(照顧,照看):
"Look after" 表示「關心或照顧某人或某物」。例:She looks after her younger siblings when her parents are at work.(當她的父母工作時,她照顧她的弟妹。)
Look through(仔細瀏覽):
"Look through" 表示「仔細瀏覽或審查某物」。例:He looked through the report before the meeting.(他在會議前仔細查閱了報告。)
Look over(察看,檢查):
"Look over" 通常用於「檢查文件、報告等」。例:Please look over the contract and let me know if you have any questions.
Look out for(當心,提防):
"Look out for" 意味著「提防或當心某事物」。例:Look out for traffic when crossing the street.
答案: C