
✶ 誕生於意外的幸福 —— 蝴蝶餅 Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout
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✶ 誕生於意外的幸福 —— 蝴蝶餅 Twist and Shout
蝴蝶餅的基本做法只會用到水及麵粉,但也可以灑鹽、加起司、 巧克力或糖在上頭。它們甚至還可以加上奶油與其他餡料製成三明 治。
>> ✶品嘗各國筷子的文化 Get a Grip on Chopsticks



蝴蝶餅是一款歷史悠久的美味點心。 The pretzel is a delicious snack with a long history.

誕生於意外的幸福 —— 蝴蝶餅 Twist and Shout

The basic recipe for a pretzel uses only water and flour, but they can also be topped with salt, cheese, chocolate, or sugar. They can even be made into a sandwich with butter and other fillings. The pretzel is an iconic specialty and a beloved food, so there are many regional variations.


filling [ ˈfɪlɪŋ ] n. 餡料
specialty [ ˌspɛʃəltɪ ] n. 名產,特產
variation [ ˌvɛrɪˈeʃən ] n. 變化(的種類),變體

Bakers in Germany take pride in customizing their pretzels, which are skillfully rolled by hand. Different bakeries make their own decisions about the length and position of the arms, the thickness of the bread, the texture, and the toppings.


customize [ ˈkʌstəˌmaɪz ] vt. 客製,訂做
topping [ ˈtɑpɪŋ ]​​​​​​​ n.(加在食物上的)配料

誕生於意外的幸福 —— 蝴蝶餅 Twist and Shout

There are also many pretzel snacks that have gained popularity worldwide and are now mass-produced in factories. Hard pretzels are available at most grocery stores, along with potato chips and other crunchy snacks. An American company called Auntie Anne’s recently began opening up new shops in Taiwan. Auntie Anne’s offers classic soft pretzels, as well as other sweet and salty snacks, beverages, and even a DIY pretzel kit for baking at home.

全球現在也有很多廣受歡迎並由工廠大量生產的蝴蝶餅。大多數小型超市都買得到硬蝴蝶餅,連同洋芋片以及其他酥脆的小點心一起販售。一家名為 Auntie Anne’s 的美國公司最近開始在臺灣設立新據點。在 Auntie Anne’s 可買到經典的軟蝴蝶餅以及其他甜鹹各類食品點心、飲料,他們甚至還販售可以在家自製蝴蝶餅的整套用具。

open up...  開設(商店)
kit [ kɪt ] n. 工具組

Pretzels are a historic symbol of good luck and future happiness. After eating one, it is easy to understand how these accidental creations earned their great reputation in the baking world.



蝴蝶餅重鎮 —— 賓州
由於賓夕法尼亞州(通常簡稱為賓州)東南部擁有大量德國背景的移民,故該區被認為是美國蝴蝶餅烘焙工業的發源地,生產全國約 80% 的蝴蝶餅。硬式蝴蝶餅是在 1850 年由斯特吉斯蝴蝶餅屋所研發的,以固定規格生產,也是第一家蝴蝶餅轉為商業化的店鋪,如今這版本已成為世界許多國家的熱門零嘴之一。


You Can Do This
    1.The popularity of shopping online has steadily grown 
    2.Miranda takes pride in what
    3.Our meeting wasn´t planned; 
A.  it was completely accidental.
B.  she drives skillfully through the narrow streets. 
C.  because of better security programs.
D.  she has achieved in life so far.



給我洋芋片,其餘免談 Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips
選你所愛的好味道:日本御好燒 A Classic Japanese Snack, Just As You Like It
法國長棍麵包之戀 France’s Love of the Simple Baguette

You Can Do This: 1. C 2. D 3. A

>> 品嘗各國筷子的文化 Get a Grip on Chopsticks

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