S + would rather... (than...) 寧願……(而不願……)
= S + would sooner... (than...)
= S + would as soon... (as...)
1. 表『寧願自己……』
S + would
as soon
① V → 現在∕未來
② have + pp. → 過去(與過去事實相反的假設語氣)
She would rather remain single than marry such a man.
I went to the movies with John last night, but to tell you the truth, I'd rather have stayed at home.
2. 表『寧願他人……』(接 that 子句)
S + would
as soon
+ (that) + sb/sth
① 過去 V → 現在∕未來
② had + pp. → 過去(與過去事實相反的假設語氣)
He would as soon you covered for him while he is away.
I'd rather she had been present.
1. Would you like some hot coffee, or would you rather _______ a cold drink?
(A) have (B) had (C) having (D) to have
2. You don't have to stay and keep me company. To tell you the truth, I would prefer _______ left alone.
(A) have (B) to have (C) be (D) to be
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