see | look | watch | ||
當作感官的義意 | vt. & vi 看,看見 | vi 看 | vt. & vi 觀看 | |
核心意象 | 「某物進入視線範圍」 | 「將視線對準」 | 「專注於活動的動向」 | |
使用情境和含義 |
see 更強調事物自然進入視線範圍、出現在眼前的感覺,而不是主動用眼觀看。 |
look 意味著有意識地轉移視線,以及專注地觀察。 She looked at the painting for a long time.(她長時間觀察那幅畫。) |
watch 更強調意識轉向活動或動態,而不僅僅是眼睛的運作。 We watched the sunset from the beach.(我們在海灘上觀看日落。) |
理解了這三者的基本分野後,我們一起來看看它們的相似片語吧!有訂閱「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」的朋友記得要收藏不懂的單字跟片語,在「我收藏的單字」頁面會為大家準備好單字小考喔!!
✦ 各種不同的「看」 :
see into 調查、查明
look into 調查、研究、查明
- The detective is seeing into the case.(警探正在調查這個案子。)
- The police are looking into the matter.(警方正在調查此事。)
英文小貼士:「see into」和「look into」都是表示進行調查或研究的片語,但它們的用法和含義略有不同: 「see into」通常用於描述對某個情況或問題進行調查或查明,強調的是觀察或了解事情的真相或內部情況。「look into」也是指對某事進行調查或研究,同樣強調對問題的調查或研究,但在語氣上可能稍微更加正式一些。這兩個片語在含義上非常相似,都是用來表示對某事進行調查或研究,只是「see into」可能稍微更加口語化,而「look into」則更常用於正式的語境中。
see to 確保、負責處理
look to 期待、指望、依靠
*see to 表示確保處理好某事,而 look to 則是期待或依賴某人/某物。試試看:
- Make sure you see to it that the door is locked.(請確保門鎖好。)
- We look to you for guidance in this matter.(在這件事上,我們期待您的指導。)
上面這些對比你都掌握了嗎?看看你是否能說出 look for 和 watch for 的區別?
look for 尋找、找尋
watch for 注意、留意
- I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them?(我在找我的鑰匙。你看見了嗎?)
- Watch for any signs of trouble.(留意任何麻煩的跡象。)
英文小貼士:「look for」和「watch for」都是表示尋找或注意的片語,look for 是指主動尋找,watch for 則是持續注意留意。 「look for」通常用於描述尋找某物的行動,強調的是有意識地尋找特定的物品或信息。「watch for」則通常用於描述持續性的注意或觀察,強調的是對某事物或特定情況的留意或警惕。「look for」更多用於尋找特定物品或信息,而「watch for」則更多用於持續性的留意或注意某事物的出現或變化。
look out (for) 當心、提防、注意
watch out (for) 注意、小心
- Look out for icy patches on the road while driving.(開車時要當心路上的冰斑。)
- Watch out for that step, it's slippery.(小心那個台階,很滑的。)
英文小貼士:「look out (for)」和「watch out (for)」這兩個片語的意思幾乎相同,都是警告注意危險,只是 look out 稍微較正式。 「look out (for)」通常用來表示對某種可能的危險或困難情況的警惕,並且可以用於較正式的語境中。「watch out (for)」與「look out (for)」的含義非常相似,也是用來提醒別人注意可能的危險或困難情況,但它通常用於口語和非正式的情境中。這兩個片語的含義幾乎相同,但「look out (for)」可能稍微更正式一些,而「watch out (for)」則更加口語化。
look over 檢查、審查、查看
watch over 照看、監視
- Please look over the document before signing it.(請在簽字前檢查文件。)
- The security guard watches over the building at night.(保安晚上照看大樓。)
see through 看穿、識破
look through 瀏覽、仔細查看、透過
watch through 看完、看過
- She saw through his lies and refused to believe him.(她看穿了他的謊言,拒絕相信他。)
- He looked through the window and saw the birds flying.(他透過窗戶看到了飛翔的鳥。)
- I've watched through all the episodes of this series.(我已經看過這個系列的所有集數。)
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The detective is looking into the past record of the man.
The detective is investigating the past record of the man.
The detective is examining the past record of the man.
You’d better make sure (that) all the answers are correct.
Steve looked for his phone for more than an hour.
史蒂夫找他的電話花了 1 個多小時。
You really need to look out for cars when you cross the street.
Watch out! That car almost hit you.
Lily told her son to watch out for snakes in the woods.
The rich man has two security guards watching over him at all times.
The lifeguard watched over the people in the pool to make sure they were safe.
Diana saw through her boyfriend/s lie and caught him cheating on her.
I refuse to go dancing tonight.